0/0 1/0 1/1 2/0 2/1 2/2 2/3 2/4 3/0 4/0 5/0 5/1 6/0 7/0 8/0 9/0 A/0 A/1 A/2 A/3 A/4 A/5 A/6 A/7 A/8 A/9 A/10 A/11 A/12 A/13 A/14 A/15 A/16 A/17 A/18 A/19 A/20 A/21 A/22 A/23 A/24 A/25 A/26 A/27 A/28 A/29 A/30 A/31 A/32 A/33 A/34 A/35 A/36 A/37 A/38 A/39 A/40 A/41 A/42 A/43 A/44 A/45 A/46 A/47 A/48 A/49 A/50 A/51 B/0 B/1 B/2 B/3 B/4 B/5 B/6 B/7 B/8 B/9 B/10 B/11 B/12 B/13 B/14 B/15 B/16 B/17 B/18 B/19 B/20 B/21 B/22 B/23 B/24 B/25 B/26 B/27 B/28 B/29 B/30 B/31 B/32 B/33 B/34 B/35 B/36 B/37 B/38 B/39 B/40 C/0 C/1 C/2 C/3 C/4 C/5 C/6 C/7 C/8 C/9 C/10 C/11 C/12 C/13 C/14 C/15 D/0 D/1 D/2 D/3 D/4 D/5 D/6 D/7 D/8 D/9 D/10 D/11 D/12 D/13 D/14 D/15 D/16 D/17 D/18 D/19 D/20 D/21 D/22 D/23 D/24 D/25 D/26 D/27 D/28 D/29 D/30 D/31 D/32 D/33 D/34 D/35 D/36 D/37 D/38 D/39 D/40 D/41 D/42 D/43 D/44 D/45 D/46 D/47 E/0 E/1 E/2 E/3 E/4 E/5 E/6 E/7 E/8 E/9 E/10 E/11 E/12 E/13 E/14 E/15 E/16 E/17 E/18 E/19 E/20 E/21 E/22 E/23 E/24 E/25 E/26 E/27 E/28 E/29 E/30 F/0 F/1 F/2 F/3 F/4 F/5 F/6 F/7 F/8 F/9 F/10 F/11 F/12 F/13 F/14 F/15 F/16 G/0 G/1 G/2 G/3 G/4 G/5 G/6 G/7 G/8 G/9 G/10 G/11 G/12 G/13 G/14 G/15 G/16 G/17 G/18 G/19 G/20 G/21 G/22 G/23 G/24 G/25 G/26 H/0 H/1 H/2 H/3 H/4 H/5 H/6 H/7 H/8 H/9 H/10 H/11 H/12 H/13 H/14 I/0 I/1 I/2 I/3 I/4 I/5 I/6 I/7 I/8 I/9 I/10 I/11 I/12 I/13 I/14 I/15 J/0 J/1 J/2 J/3 J/4 J/5 J/6 J/7 J/8 J/9 J/10 K/0 K/1 K/2 K/3 K/4 K/5 K/6 K/7 K/8 K/9 K/10 K/11 K/12 K/13 K/14 K/15 K/16 K/17 K/18 K/19 K/20 K/21 K/22 K/23 K/24 K/25 K/26 K/27 K/28 K/29 K/30 K/31 K/32 K/33 K/34 K/35 L/0 L/1 L/2 L/3 L/4 L/5 L/6 L/7 L/8 L/9 L/10 L/11 L/12 L/13 L/14 L/15 L/16 L/17 L/18 L/19 L/20 L/21 L/22 L/23 L/24 L/25 L/26 L/27 L/28 L/29 L/30 L/31 M/0 M/1 M/2 M/3 M/4 M/5 M/6 M/7 M/8 M/9 M/10 M/11 M/12 M/13 M/14 M/15 M/16 M/17 M/18 M/19 M/20 M/21 M/22 M/23 M/24 M/25 M/26 M/27 M/28 M/29 M/30 M/31 M/32 M/33 M/34 M/35 M/36 M/37 M/38 M/39 M/40 M/41 M/42 M/43 M/44 M/45 M/46 M/47 M/48 M/49 M/50 M/51 M/52 M/53 M/54 M/55 M/56 M/57 M/58 M/59 M/60 M/61 M/62 M/63 M/64 M/65 M/66 M/67 N/0 N/1 N/2 N/3 N/4 N/5 N/6 N/7 N/8 N/9 N/10 N/11 N/12 N/13 N/14 N/15 N/16 N/17 N/18 N/19 N/20 N/21 N/22 N/23 N/24 N/25 N/26 N/27 N/28 O/0 O/1 O/2 O/3 O/4 O/5 O/6 O/7 P/0 P/1 P/2 P/3 P/4 P/5 P/6 P/7 P/8 P/9 P/10 P/11 P/12 P/13 P/14 P/15 P/16 P/17 P/18 P/19 P/20 P/21 Q/0 Q/1 Q/2 Q/3 Q/4 R/0 R/1 R/2 R/3 R/4 R/5 R/6 R/7 R/8 R/9 R/10 R/11 R/12 R/13 R/14 R/15 R/16 R/17 R/18 R/19 R/20 R/21 R/22 R/23 R/24 R/25 S/0 S/1 S/2 S/3 S/4 S/5 S/6 S/7 S/8 S/9 S/10 S/11 S/12 S/13 S/14 S/15 S/16 S/17 S/18 S/19 S/20 S/21 S/22 S/23 S/24 S/25 S/26 S/27 S/28 S/29 S/30 S/31 S/32 S/33 S/34 S/35 S/36 S/37 S/38 S/39 S/40 S/41 S/42 S/43 S/44 S/45 S/46 S/47 S/48 S/49 S/50 S/51 S/52 S/53 S/54 S/55 S/56 S/57 S/58 S/59 S/60 T/0 T/1 T/2 T/3 T/4 T/5 T/6 T/7 T/8 T/9 T/10 T/11 T/12 T/13 T/14 T/15 T/16 T/17 T/18 T/19 T/20 T/21 T/22 T/23 T/24 T/25 T/26 T/27 T/28 T/29 T/30 U/0 U/1 U/2 U/3 U/4 U/5 U/6 U/7 U/8 U/9 U/10 U/11 U/12 V/0 V/1 V/2 V/3 V/4 V/5 V/6 V/7 V/8 V/9 V/10 V/11 V/12 V/13 V/14 V/15 V/16 V/17 V/18 V/19 V/20 V/21 V/22 V/23 V/24 W/0 W/1 W/2 W/3 W/4 W/5 X/0 X/1 X/2 X/3 X/4 X/5 X/6 Y/0 Y/1 Y/2 Y/3 Z/0 Z/1 Z/2 Z/3 Z/4 Z/5 Z/6 Z/7
PERPARIM BRATI DHE HAMIT KASTRATI MOJ SHQIPNI ME HALLE E DERTEpse po gabonprishtina hip hoppamboPolly Jean Harveypo jetoj ne pikellimp hoopss\p hoopsspse ty te duper ty menoj edh pse ti nuk me donpati pati mevaip sadikupo na shkon motraPrimitive Radio Godspolenish muzickpse femrat qajn ilahiperparim brati hamit kastrati azem hajdaripitbull hotel room cormoofortprejse undamputhjet e takimetpitbull rooma hotielpepi pac 2009Pat ZillPapa roach last resortPeanuts Huckopoop loser2searchDisturbia Rihanna2searchTake A Bow Rihanna1searchRight Round Flo RidaPatrick Swayze Shes like the windPussycat Dolls - Wait a Minuteprej inatit Pussycat Dolls - Don't Cha Bustapaca ft xhasPer Ty Allah nga Driton Salihupresioni hudra lediprodukt 28djaloshi dhe shiupresioni hudraPotpuri me Shkurten Shyreten e Remzienpeaspasha bella remix mixparo me te tjerePoni - Nene, pse ke dale ne shkallepollat alemendarPetrit Lulo Feat. Novruz Vengo (Klarinet) - Zoge e Libohoves, E bukur e vogel moj Parashqevipershendetje toniper midis pazarit dursitPIK PANTHERRpandora lindum na edhe nij herpitbull colle ochopse me the harom pse me the harrom prishtina fucky citypill matic pitbull 1 2 3pse me the JOpaper planesputhja e pare klajdi musabelliupse me the jo ti mupaolo meneghucipetkat e zeza pse me le 2 tonpsycho ft zeeromanposica dolls hushposica dolls hush hushpitbull 2009 mix remixparo me rrite me pekulePEPPERpo ref nonapitbull i know you want me remix mixpllumb hajdinPrince Double H - Sju kom harru paro 2009pozitiv 2009paro miresPlay Win ft geishaparo baladphysicat doll jai hopandora nje lajm po e prespronarinPandora,,Adnan daci--lindem nene edhe njeherpozitiv supastarpozitiv supastar don arbasPitbull Feat Lil'Jon - Toma XXXprisonbreak prisonbreak ich hol dich da rausPrince and The New Power GenerationPatent ochsnerpro bendi vukarejapitbull i knov meputpori nazife shqipe motrat mustafapandora ste besojpolifest 2009 labiPleurat Lajqi martesa jone PRESLAVA OBICHAM TEpo duePRESLAVA BEZRAZLICHENpixote meu amor1searchDisturbia Rihannaper bilaqalitperher tepar u dashurovapaolo mixpaolo meneguzzi mixPleasure p ft lil wayne boyfriend Pro Bend Violeta KukajproficprefectPleasure p boyfriend 2(remix)P AdamPUSSYCAT letch upper "Genta Ismajli panchi nadiya refugeprej kurjemi ndarplay vinpese moja vajza kshtu veprove poslishtipolifest2009phone homepode pegarpese moja vajza kshtu veprove dhe besen e harrovepese moja vajza harrove besenpuscykat dolls hush hushpandora cokollatapixote meu amor1searchTake A Bow Rihannapa nenen remzie osmanipoezi per bajrampoezia per bajrampse shkove pa me thon fjalen e funditpaula abdul rush rushper liri ste fal shqiptaripitbull go girlpitbull i know you wont mePandaemoniumpadre fabiopappu cant dance saapatence live in oklapink fanhausepink fanhousepink sobertpim raki me kikirikaper buzen e per ata sy do kendoj gjith naten per typi rakin e mendoj per typara mue del em tjtrein mentore kurtishipitbull hotels roompse sme deshte kurrpsy tronicpaul van dikyepussycat dolls2searchHandlebars FlobotsP Ericpoezi ty te vraft dashuria imepeju regjapitbull the hotel roompome vjen keqpo te pres nekosvpoezi vajtuse 2009pleshtivecpit bull hotel room servicpoop loser1searchHandlebars Flobots3searchDisturbia Rihanna1searchHalo Beyoncépikon loti pr dashuripandora dul lulija te bunariprishtina ti je ma emirapura cadenciapierwszy razpershendetje xhelaPoni Laberi moj LaberiP Y T (Pretty Young Thing)party musicpink please dont leave mepse bre shpirt nuk me folprinci diss unikkatilper neiminper neimiPaul Broadnaxp odukesh seksiper ty kthetratp odukesh pink please dont leapusy at dolls dont shapce nikajpandora live per dashniparfumi te trathtonpec nikajpse te zgjodhapse te zgjodha labiperfecti pa typipzespyar ka pehla khatpor uma noiteprashevi simakupom pom sancaiProfessor LonghairPAUL REVEREpoop loser1searchViolet Hill Coldplay2searchDisturbia Rihanna1searchViva La Vida Coldplaypandora nje hapshpandora live2009pandora italia me gaxhapandora tallava italia me gaxhaPaul Oakenfold Feed Your Mind Roman Hunter mixPaul Oakenfold Feed Your Mind per deqan 2009Pop Will Eat ItselfPop Da Brown Hornetper fauvorepixote meu amor1searchHandlebars Flobotspandora sun durovapink floyd educationporblemePublic enemy number pensaem mimP Macpa fat kisha qenpahelippussycat dollsPOKKIRI TELUNGUPeter, Paul and Marypensa em mim darvinpankaj udhasPhantom Of the Operapiano instrumental1searchBleeding Love Leona LewisPirro ako Rovena Dilo Pr Nj ast M Ndali Zemrapash dy szyt ne ballPeter CrissPirro cako per nje cast me ndali zemra ku je tipirro qako un ai ti ajopa pare spo ta rraska kekushprince of egypt let my people gopirro qak diferenca je ti planeti i femijvepray for the one whoPiya Bavaripysi CHAT DOLLSpaper airplanesprince of egypt last lullabypardesiyaprince of egypt deliver usPúblicoPEREZ PRADOPoint Of Recognitionpink flyod1searchDisturbia RihannaPURA CANDELA paraluman emilypsalm 23 randall stroopepsalm 23 stroopePeter, Paul, and Marypsalm 23Parijatham Unnai KanPhil Masons All starsPaul van Dukparis by chicosciPraharper ty loti pikonpearl harbour theme prelude to a dreamPoor Righteous TeachersPudgee Tha Phat BastardPhillips Craig and Deanpedal to the medalPunchline and Wordsworthplies gotem hatinPretty Girls Make Gravespo fol nana vet me vetiphoto shotPaano na Kaya BugoPiero and The MusicStarsparabens pra vocêpoezi per fiter bajramin Planes Mistaken For Starspandora per naiminPaparazzi (DemolitioProfessional Murder Musicpode me chamar de puponi floriPrey for the Soul of Bettyparaiso1searchNo Air Jordin SparksPaul KantnerpiercedP Dannyparaiso1searchHandlebars Flobotspran teje nje jetPaul Oakenfold A Lively Mind pran teje nji jetpuchuca sond car2searchNo Air Jordin SparksPuffin Billy Danish pass the dutchphilippine musicProdigy, KRS One, Method Man, KAMperla e sociedade doP Y T Pokemon: The First Movie SoundtrackProdigy, KRS One, Method Man and KAMpussycat dolls2searchViolet Hill Coldplay1searchDisturbia RihannaPseudo Plotinos and the Total Hero WorshippattalampaskalP Chrispsykovsky lastbus mapregador luo trazend2searchViolet Hill ColdplayPatti Pagepak ma gatpapa main choti se Paul Oakenfold \"Feed Your Mind\" [Roman Hunter Mix]Paul Oakenfold \"Feed Your Mind\" P Charliependimi mensur kadriupaskoPika pika loteP NickyPaul Robinsonpain in my haertPeter Framptonpain in my heartpotpuri tiransepasko aegisPASKO SONGSPat Greenpotpuri tiranepregador luo trazend2searchApologize Timbalandpussycat dolls2searchBleeding Love Leona Lewis1searchViolet Hill Coldplayputjet tona vllezrit aliuputhjet tona vllezrit aliuPacemakerspuppetmastazparokya ni edpankuj udasspunl rockplease dont leave me pinkpt jasrajpump the pussypump the pussy schranzpaula fernandesphil collins true co1searchDisturbia patoku gili top fest 6paraajmrimprimetime loserpunjabi mc billie jeper ato puthje te djalitparo malli nenesP LiFe ft BonSaTon & BiG WoLF Si BesohetP LiFe ft BonSaTon BiG WoLF peter gabriel in ypaliti kog pan babypussycatdolls beeppractice what you preachP-Life Ft. BiG WoLF and BonSaTon - Si BesoheT pussika dollspink dallazpogadhepussika dolls hush hush hushpusstcat dolls hush hushpusstcat dolls pinoy rap kuwagoper gjevatinpehla ye pehlaPuracanepse moj nan me lindepasubali spongecolpsyph morrison aint no party psyph morrison aint pussycat Dolls i hate tgis partphone tappossyct dolls swaypaul pots1searchTake A Bow Rihannapitbllpendulumphil collins true co1searchHandlebars FlobotsPaul BurkhardPublic Domain Operpoop loser3searchSound Of Silence Art Garfunkel2searchBlame It Jamie Foxxper preshevpala flokutpikk roomper metushin vajtuseprej durrsi ne shijakpaul wall i got the internet going nutspussycat dhollpro band oj lulieptc jai heoparashqevi simaku e duam lumturineprince of persiaPatti Smith Groupproduct 28 3 shoketpaingetlovpuna e femres sinanPitbull Now you see itpussicat i hate this partpepe moreno e meninopse nuk rdhepse nuk erdhepucy cat dollsper mu ska femen tjeterposhesh hangraparo malli i nenespajtim struga po na vjen bejrom4pag ibig kong litung litopuna e femnespeeps melodiepink funnyhousepse mah ktheve shpinepaalam kahit sa awit langpa interes artaponi hoxhaper nje goce na hyri sheripina viski me kokakollapina viski me kokakolla bekim kumanovapandora jade jasha jashaponi drandafilPedro The LionPastillaPussycat Dolls hush hush nicolPaul McCartney Wingpaullapajtim strugafesta e beromitpajtim struga festa e beromitpagmamahalpaid my duespandora une pa ty jetoj kotpandora une pa ty jetoj kotphir teri kahani yaadi aayeparabisoP Francescopyssycat dolls hush hushparadisopit pull 1234pit pull 1 2 3 4P Gruvpedro cazanova invite andreaponi shpirti i8mpavarsia e kosmvesPeter Cmorík Jedno si želám post het dolls hush hushP 027pa ty joana paranoid jonas borPAYASO JOSEpittbollpachi azispublic service annoupag ibig kong itong litung litoperlt mallakasterPUTHIYA MUKHAMperlat pashaj mallakasterplanet caravanpippins songper dimenticare zero assolutopushingpushinaapuhje n telefonPERPARIM BRATI DHE HAMIT KASTRATI - KENGA E pitbull ft flo rida hotel roompitbull flo ridaPERPARIM BRATI DHE HAMIT KASTRATI - DESHMORIT pit bull i know i want shapP M Dawnpo bre poper dimenticarePure PrairiePATTI LABELLEpitbull hotel room service official videopotpuri shyrete behluli mamuht feratipro band ilahiPerpetuous Dreamerpiñon fijoPikon Francis M papa bear honey loveperlat sheqeri pse ta fala typeter fox schwarz zu blauponitper nje fjaleProdukt28 HarrojeP FunkateersPaul Desmondpalito ortegaposidonka-paf dedy remixperse un qajpupilas lejanaspopullore afrim muqiqipolo Montanespandora isha ne vetmipercjelle per nuseperparim brati dhehamit kastrati paju nana spo rrinpirro cako 2009parasheve simakupercjelljepercjellje per dasemPas Pour Moipenny and mepostolar tripper marijuanapusschat dollspore parepot puripussycat dolls stick whith youpse un te dua mandarinapse dua mandarinapill motrepro bendi i valamala showpick me onpse po ngutesh nan talam pak ma vone pula remix kengepandora dhe adnan daci lindem nen edhe nje rpandora dhe adnan daci lindem nen edhe nje herpula remix mp3pro bendi studentipopullore bujar qamiliphenomenon thousend foot krutchpopullore artjola toskaprince double h drenicakPER SHOKIN TEMprince double h diss unikkatilpitbull callepitbull know you want me puthja N telefon master goldputhje N telefon master goldpro bend oj lulijepanteri i zipro bendoj lulije pllumb i bardhpro bend oj lulije pllumb i bardhPlay Win Slow motion pro band violeta kukajpandora dikur te deshapaca highpussycat dolls aihaoPussycat Dolls "Bottle Pop" Official High QualityPussycat Dolls "I Hate This Part"passing bypachaplumbat ne xhamadan remzijapotpuri xeni labipixie dollpopullore dasmaahpoli fest 2009per pavarsi u derdh gjakupula gjelipjeter haberiplaye&winplaye winpav dediPandora - Shamija e Beqarisperdono tiziano ferroper ledion marenPavarotti Tributepo vritet pafajsia vidiopanter i zi genta ismailipo du me lan repinplofest 2009plofest 2009polifest 2009 dashuria e vertetepino qako rovena dilopino qako rovena dilo per nje qast me ndali zemraP Jaypino qakopleqt sefdallipro band fjalen se te duapauli mauspink potrait my familyput your mack downpasanikpotrait my familyperndeshapranoj pranojpranoj pranoj se te duapranoj pranoj se me donper pare me luftupaska ra paska ra gjetheploifest 2009ploifest 2009popullorepleqeria vjen kur don vetpojezipitbull remixpono hoph hopapinncparia e punespetrit lulo dole une dielli leupoliceremixpoliceremix v9rlbkvypoliceremi v9rlbkvyp deddy nicol come mepolice remix v9bklvypropozimi himni i rugoves pista 1per 5 minutaPápai Jocipreslypoker face'parashqevi simaku me nje zile bicikletepolifest 2009 popullorepopullore bre poshidoper cunat e parku kokainapotpuri ali pashapasha syt ne ballprej ni shpatiparmore mistery bussines pandora 2009 newPRODUK 28 HARROJE TOP FEST 3per cunat e selitespyes lotin elsa lilapre familien haxhaplay and win featpitt bull move shake dropper ardhjen e krushqerisepa qef te kan fejupo vjen flori me 2po2poker face lady gaga orginalpotpuri dasmash te gjataprishtinali jom tingulli 3ntpranvera dobrunaplot riniPI RAKI TEUTApoezi te rejaperparim ademipirro cako per nje castpit bulli like girlper ne ska shperspit bull i like girlpussyca dolls hash hashpopulloret me te bukurapit bull one two threepussicat dolls pusi pusiPORTNUKpussicat dolls husch huschpanther i zipitbull ft nicolle hotel room servispeteshopboyspa faj te lashpa ze 2 pac instrumentalParalamas Do Sucesso22searchSound Of Silence Art Garfunkelpina wiski me cocapatrik suezpen and paperperparim barti hamit kastratiphachanga locopkz les filles adorentprodukt 28 shqipe\princ drenica rimixpoosiket dolls che d ontprinc drenica rimixdnhsdpitbull ft akonpitbull ft akon shut it downponi si trndafilpusycat dolls hash hash hash per festen e bajramitPress It Uppali dhen ise dhopali dhen ise edhoputhiyamukamPeat Jr Fernando Let It Be Loveper nje unazpal nikollbibajprodukt 28 shqipesProdigy Voodoo Peoplprodukt 28 vs etno engjujprodukt 28 vs etno engjuj ku flamuripasionet e fsheta telenovelaprind etu neve na ndanpcd hush hushpiciruke e lalesprek sokaj maturanteplani i qeverisepse unikailipitbull inow you want me paola rey maldigopolifest vllazrit mziu 2009pishat 2003deri 2007pik loti ne detpendimi motrat mustafapse u ndave prej mejepatriotike 2000pete yorn dont wannaPatrick Desire One DesirePor Ti | Doy La Vida Por Un BesoPor Ti Doy La Vida Por Ti DoyPitbull Feat. Trina and Young Boss - Go Girlpandora raki moj raki e shkretpussycat dollc nicolapeki peki pekipoezi te vrafte dashuria imeprodukt 28 tre shoketpoezi dashurie kengePicco Yeke YekePoni si trendafileponi tradfilpolifest 2009po vjen nusja boni mashallapandora delenxhiupot dupala kali lopa technopussy cat dols tai hopussy cat dols hash hashpussycat dols hash hashprej kosoves dudaprej kosoves duda ft double g armyput your hands in the airplopper clabpse me le ti mupse oj koh na mashtroveperrall me tupan kalemipussycadolls hush hushpusicat dolls hash hash hashpassion de gavilanes zharick leonporosia e nonespusicat dolls hash hash hash new 2009pranvera do lulepow black eyed peaspaskam dash njeriun e gabuarprint e tupietro b con teper teqeshurplac and peaspitbull ft lumidee crazypeatboxpitbull ft lumidee Pussycat Dolls \"Hush Hush; Hush Hushpieces sum 41patron tequillapo ta ban gruja 8 me 2papete allaci le cinturepom shtin me keshpa ty i dashurpro 2009pussycat dolls johaPut your drink downpusst cat dollspusst cat dolls jay hopro band oj lulie e nonespor besartepresvalapo du me kan me mup simaku fustanin qe ta solla mbremeperpara ecenPartystylerzpatriotike qan sy zezaparashivi shimakuparashivi shimakPink burn itpasionet de gavilanespom mungonprideparoshpotpuri nanuti shyreti shkurtja medapissycet dollspitbull knov youprojectjon dimeroprojectjonejapitbull konowpik ne zemer xhekipro bend 2009projectjonprojektjonpse m lepo te pyes sa vjeqe jepollat alendar pusupllek bojPUNA FERMRESPo te pyes remixpromies venesa promies venesa hedgenspalenstinaPitbull lancopimpex ngopink dont leave me pusicat dols hach hachpom pom bumpesapotpuri shkurta shyhretipotpuri shkurtpse smartohesh moj cobenkePaffendorf Bring It Backpitro Profetapapparazipusy cat dallsposidon ft enigmapishat 2006pele alma e coraponi trandafilepershesh hangra me speca djegsprodukti 28 tradhtiapuniprodukti 28 orinda huta tradhtiapitbull ft lil jon krazyplain white teesPaffendorf vs The Real Booty Babes On On Paffendorf On On pogunishtepujor dhakperfecti krewperfecti krew nuk mundempirr cakopre basri bistricnPhonteprem pujaripadora livepse na ndahnper at emerperfecti nuk po mundempusicat dolis hach hachperfecti ishe tipse sjem bashkpetrovpo jetojm ditet me shpresprindiderit na ndarponi nena pse ke dal ne shkallpergjithmon edashura imepode chorarpocareipetrit lulo te rapi te mashkulorepresioni zan znapsychee p life big wolf bonsaton si besohetpo doni ferrkpatricepatrice truly majesticpolla alemdarpatrice truly majestProdukt 28 Si heren e pare Produkt 28 & Etno Engjujt - Fanella kuq e zipitbull ft sean paulPlenty Money (remix)Prrall me Tupan me 19 Qershor 2009 USHTRIApegyzinapolifonia labe e jugutplot me lot mu mush shamija me gjananin kur jam ndaperendi te lutempandora nuk e paskam ditpunk rock soundphilippe davillaparty all the time caselypseu ndamparty all the time poni hopa hopa me ngadalepolicia mp3Pin pussica dolls hush hushprince dauble h dashuri e pavdekshmeprincedauble h dashuri e pavdekshm perjetsishpse me tradhton kur je me mupitbull theat crazy pse me tradhton plack eyed peaspapete allaciate le cinturepaano ang puso koponi 2009pro nailspink floyd echoesproblemi doniparty breaksperrshesh hngara ome speca djaksPOEZI 2009 ERIpjesmarsit e polifest 2009POEZI INTERESIPOEZI 1995Peter GarstenauerPOEZI 2009 TRADHITIEPreslava Chervena Tochkapodj florianopassenger seatpergjithmon edashura imeParokya ni Edgar Mphineas and ferb brotherperkulem para tejepussy cat dolls ash ashpandorja gazi tallavapoossiket dollspitbull u knowpoossiket dolls hush hushphineas ferbpokerappristina ka lesetpandora 2009 liveprishtina ka leset tuna meda getipaqngapandora tallava tenovaphineaspotpori edonapotpori edona llaloshipotpori edona llalloshipersiapersiyayilekkennurathparo silva gumbardhi nen e bijpaula rush rushpo jo mos thujpo jo shyhrete behluliprej ni shati kur ti lshova sytpusycat dolls hash hashP Olipardonne moipyt drenica dugagjinin bijt esefesperparim berati dhe hamit kastratipesh dy syt fetjatapritampreisoni newPOLICAIS play wine ft dj line ft geishapse qishtupiasekPOW POW pow pow black eyed peasposycat dollespatrick dancingppse harroe pse umtradhtove ike eshkove pseeePUT IT ON HERPuressencepornocomporno compolifesti 2009P Diddy Ft Keyshia Cole Last Night pa nenëpse tradhtove ike eshkovepse tradhtove ike eshkoveprita prita prita prita ti nuk erdhePEGKY ZHNAPEGKY ZHNA ELA NUXTApectuspatrick diry dancingpro bend mir se vjen ramazanpitt bull hotel room servicepitbull ft ok per te vuajturpetrit lulo vajza e vogel e babajt opa bab e nanpussicall dolls jay hopitt bull i knownpetrit lulo vajz e vogel e babajte oPandora Album 2009 pixel lottpixel lott mama dophineas squirrelspik en zemerpixote inseguranca1searchHandlebars Flobots2searchViolet Hill Coldplaypotpuri shqipe 56 minpatrice trulypishat te vendi i vjeterpandora hajde jasha pandora hajde jasha jashapussykat doll hush hushpandora jasha jashapussykat doll hush hushper nekipoezi dashurisPergjithmon e dashura imepussycadoll hush hushpapa dancepollat alamdarpollat alamdar pusuPandora - Kajde Defit [ Album 2009 ] Puj puj pulat e detitPuj puj pulat e detitper besnikunpopullore Poniprono starparty with youpadaiyappa themespicture to burnparty with you madonapo shum po flet morePirro Çako & Rovena Diloperfecteper ramushinpirro cako rovena dila per nje qast pirro cako rovena dila une dhe tiprototype live a liepc park walkapicirruke e lales opacificapandora kenga e zagrbitper deshmioretpusycat dolls bipppak nga pakpotpuri per dasmapak nga pak po vien pleqniapurrajpo vien pleqniapara kohe mo su plakpetro lulopc park szansapartner i zipara kohe mo su mplakpopullore me cifteliparty in the usa MiPlaymen Feat Reckless Together Foreverplayment together forever persiyayilekkennuratpotpuri per darsmepolici portollallipitbull hotel room service 2009potpurri mahmut feratipi raki po mendoj per tyPaul Lekakispras michelponi kush ti bleu ato sendalepop that bodyparokya halagapotpuri popullore shqipëprej podujeve ne ferizajpotpuri mihrija e naimipotpuri patriotikepotpuri mihrije brahapotpuri naim abazipotpuri astrid lekajpo ajo skillz